Log in with your e-mail address and password. Open an application for which Multi Factor Authentication is enabled.

Log in with your UT e-mail address (x-account => and password. Open an application for which Multi Factor Authentication is enabled (or click here).

When switching to a new phone, make sure to add it here (select Add method) before deleting the Microsoft Authenticator app on your old phone. After the number has been entered into the app, the login process continues. With number matching, the Authenticator app asks to enter a two-digit number, which is displayed when someone wants to log in. LISA will activate Number Matching and Application Context for everyone on the 8th of February, 2023. On the basis of the GDPR, the UT must provide additional security for these applications via authentication in multiple steps: MFA. The UT uses several applications that process sensitive personal data.

Using only a username and password to log in no longer suffices. Sensitive personal data are, of course, sensitive by nature and enjoy extra protection under the GDPR. The requirements for processing sensitive personal data have been increased with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Your sim card can easily be moved to a different device. Otherwise, you can no longer access your UT account when your phone is broken. Please always set up a second MFA method, like sending an SMS. Most people use the Microsoft Authenticator app for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).